In the quest for inner peace and self-discovery, women across the globe are increasingly turning towards age-old wisdom and natural remedies.
Among these, cannabis stands out as a powerful, nurturing ally in the journey towards spiritual growth and deeper meditation.
This ancient plant, revered for centuries in various cultures, is a unique tool for self-reflection. In today’s fast-paced world, cannabis can help you slow down, (re)connect with nature, and explore your identity.
The Sacred Plant: An Entheogen for Modern Times
Cannabis is often referred to as an entheogen — a substance used in spiritual or religious contexts to enhance a connection with the divine.
Its use as a sacred plant medicine dates back to ancient civilizations, where it was revered for its ability to foster deep, introspective states and connect the user to higher realms of consciousness.
One of the earliest spiritual uses of cannabis dates back to between 2000 and 1400 BCE, where it was used on the Indian subcontinent as a medicine and spiritual substance. The Vedas — ancient religious texts originating in India — refer to cannabis as a “source of happiness”. It’s said that gods sent hemp to the human race to enhance happiness, increase libido, and reduce anxiety.
The plant was often consumed during weddings and spiritual festivals. Sometimes, it was consumed as bhang, a cannabis-infused beverage that is still popular today.
Ancient India isn’t the only civilization with a history of spiritual cannabis use: it was used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries, and in 500 A.D, a Taoist priest noted that cannabis was used to see into the future and connect with spirits. Likewise, evidence of spiritual cannabis use has been found throughout Africa and Europe.
For women seeking to reconnect with their inner selves and the wisdom of the ancients, cannabis offers a bridge to these lost traditions.
Modern life is often fast-paced, productivity-focused, and stoic. Cannabis often gives you the opportunity to slow down, tap into your creativity, and connect with your emotions away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
Softening the Ego, Embracing the Self
One of the most profound effects of cannabis in the context of meditation and spiritual practices is its ability to soften the ego.
Often laden with societal expectations, self-judgment, and personal insecurities, the ego can be a significant barrier to inner peace and true self-reflection.
Cannabis gently softens the ego, allowing for a more authentic and vulnerable engagement with the self. This reduction of self-judgment is why many people find that they’re able to be more playful, creative, and lighthearted when using cannabis. It gives you the opportunity to explore who you are when you shake off society’s expectations of you.
Because cannabis encourages the mind to slow down, it offers an opportunity to delve into the layers of the self, uncovering insights and wisdom that are often drowned out by the noise of everyday existence and insecurities.
Additionally, the use of plant medicine like cannabis is also a way to reconnect with the natural world. In a society increasingly detached from nature, turning to a plant that grows from the earth is a powerful statement of reconnection.
Conducting the Ritual: How to Use Cannabis for Spiritual Growth
There’s no right or wrong way to use cannabis for spiritual growth — what works for one woman might not work for the next. Your relationship with the plant is unique to you, and you might find yourself using it intuitively.
But if you’re not sure to start, here are some gentle suggestions.
Setting Intentions
Cannabis should be approached with respect and a clear intention. Whether you’re seeking clarity on a specific issue, deepening your meditation practice, or simply connecting more deeply with yourself, setting a clear intention helps guide your experience and fosters a sense of purpose and direction.
Creating a Sacred Space
The environment in which you engage with cannabis is also crucial. Creating a sacred space, whether it's a special corner of your home, a spot in nature, or any place that feels safe and peaceful, enhances the experience. This space should be treated with respect: it’s a sanctuary for personal growth and spiritual exploration.
Integrating your Experience
Finally, integration is an essential part of the journey. This is where you reflect on the insights and feelings you experienced while using cannabis and use those reflections to guide your day-to-day life.
Perhaps your experience taught you that you need to carve out more time to be playful. Or perhaps it reminded you of the importance of slowing down.
Integration may involve journaling, sharing experiences with a trusted friend or community, or simply spending time in reflection.
Cannabis can be a powerful tool in the quest for deeper meditation, spiritual growth, and self-reflection. For women seeking to connect with their inner selves and the wisdom of nature, it offers a path that is nurturing, authentic, and deeply empowering.
● Johnstad, P.G. (2020). Cannabis as entheogen: survey and interview data on the spiritual use of cannabis. Journal of Cannabis Research, 2, 30. https://jcannabisresearch.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s42238-020-00032-2
● Russo, E.B. (2007). History of Cannabis and Its Preparations in Saga, Science, and Sobriquet. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cbdv.200790144
● Staelens, Stefanie (10 March 2015). The Bhang Lassi Is How Hindus Drink Themselves High for Shiva. https://www.vice.com/en/article/kbx94a/httpmunchies-vice-comarticlesthe-bhang-lassi-is-how-hindus-drink-themselves-high-for-shiva
● Touw, Mia (January 1981). The Religious and Medicinal Uses of Cannabis in China, India and Tibet. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 13(1), 23–34. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7024492/
● Warf, Barney (1 October 2014). High Points: An Historical Geography of Cannabis. Geographical Review, 104(4), 414–438. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1931-0846.2014.12038.x
● Zuardi, Antonio Waldo (June 2006). History of cannabis as a medicine: a review. Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria, 28(2), 153–157. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16810401/