Have you ever wished you had skin like Jessica Alba? Or maybe you want Jennifer Aniston’s healthy hair? It might seem near impossible to achieve the celebrity look, but did you know that you have access to the super ingredient these same celebrities swear by? Once described as “the hero ingredient of the future” by Gwyneth Paltrow, CBD is anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating, and hydrating.
Well, Mota Magick is not only dedicated to your skin’s health, she also uses only the highest quality CBD oil. Let’s look at some big names who share Mota Magick’s passion for CBD.
Maya Rudolph uses CBD Face Oil

Celebrities like Maya Rudolph and Naomi Campbell are regular users of CBD face oils. Used to minimize pores and decrease fine lines, CBD face oil is a lush and luxurious way to pamper your skin. Power packed with super ingredients like Irish moss and calendula, Mota Magick’s face and body oil is perfect for those looking for a natural option. Don’t be afraid to slather it on.

Another One! DJ Khaled jumps on the CBD bandwagon
If there is one person that knows how to stay on top of trends, it's DJ Khaled. The rapper-slash-motivational speaker has his own line of men's skincare infused with CBD. That’s because CBD is shown to help beard growth, it smoothes and conditions, and even alleviates shaving burn.
Lashes like Nicole Kidman
Nicole Kidman is a co-investor in a lash and brow serum that is infused with full-spectrum hemp oil. The hemp oil soothes and penetrates your lashes and works as a carrier of other active ingredients in the serum. Hemp oil is a great base and can be used alongside other ingredients to increase its efficiency. I’ve mentioned before, there are so many ways you can use a good, quality CBD oil. You just have to get creative.

Travis Barker Wellness
Travis Barker, the newest Kardashian, has his own line of wellness products made with Cannabidiol, or CBD. Among their products you can find face cleansers and face masks, body butters, and even bath bombs infused with CBD. That’s because CBD is effective in reducing skin inflammation. A lot of their products also include CBG which is another cannabinoid that is effective in treating acne.
Shop Mota Magick’s CBD infused bath bombs. Her bath bombs are not only the highest quality, but they are also locally made, 100% natural and organic, and uses only the best CBD oil.
Celebrities are jumping on the CBD bandwagon, but you don’t have to have a celebrity budget to take advantage of its benefits.
There are a number of ways you can affordably incorporate CBD into your skin care. In fact, check out our blog post about why you should be incorporating CBD face oil in your everyday routine.
CBD is not only a powerhouse ingredient, but apart from using it on your skin, you can use it in your hair, during bath time, and even as a tincture for pain relief. Check out the Mota Magick shop to find your new favorite product!